Transforming People's Lives

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 01160123– This Week’s Strategy: Do you know where you are going?


Not knowing where you are going for 2023 can be a challenge. 
You see if you wait on the right time, to make sure everything is in place or you have enough money, or waiting for everything to be in place you would have to wait a very long time. Are you prepared to wait?


These days things change so drastically, look at the issue with confidential papers with the President, whoever thought this would happen. It makes sense to map out where you want to go and don’t lose focus and don’t wait till everything is right . For all you know it may never be right . 

Even countries map out where they are going, in the US they plan to have electric cars by 2035. Take a look here – . What about you, do you know where you are going?

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 01090123– This Week’s Strategy: New Approaches for 23

Start the year with new approaches to your marketing.

Over the past years we have just been posting ads, images etc. on social media. Sometimes we do not even follow to see how they are doing. How many people looked at it.

This year we are not just posting on social media, we want to post with an objective in mind, which is to maintain our customers and attract new ones.

So this week our new approach is in addition to posting items only on our industry let’s post on the key items linked to what we are offering.

Let’s use technology to move our business forward.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 01020123– This Week’s Strategy: New Year New Challenges

Every year comes with it’s own challenges, but it also comes with it’s new wins.

There are new opportunities to do things differently, to look at things differently, to leave behind what’s not working, to improve on what’s working. You also get the opportunity stop fighting with yourself, accept who you are, be yourself and learn to love being you.

So thank you for keeping us in your corner and let’s crush this year together!