Transforming People's Lives

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 042423 – This Week’s Strategy: It’s all up to you.

It’s all up to you.  

No one is going to build your business but you.

No one is going to find joy or happiness for you but you.

No one can make your dreams come true but you.

No one is going to find that good job but you.

No one is going to bring in that big sale but you.

No one can feel your pain but you.

No one can ruin your reputation but you.

No one can find you a good life partner but you.

No one would make you successful but you.

So, what are you waiting on, go out here:

Build your business,

Make your dreams come true,

Find the right life partner, 

Build your reputation,

Be successful and enjoy life.

It’s all up to you.

At the end of your time, you are the one to answer for your actions.

It’s all up to you.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 041023 – This Week’s Strategy: #1 Way to improve in anything.

Have you ever done a presentation or completed a task and you felt so good about it; however someone comes up to you and gives you such a feedback that the emotional pain was so deep all you could do was to fight back the tears?

No one likes negative feedback, as a matter of fact when some people receive negative feedback, they look for some way to verbally lash back at the person giving feedback.

The thing is the only way we can improve is to get feedback. How do we know if we have done a good job, or provide good service or a good product? We are not perfect we need feedback as we move along on our life journey. Your business is not going to improve if you do not know how it is performing, if you work for someone you are not going to improve unless they provide feedback.

Feedback is the #1 way to improve in anything, even in sports or at home feedback is required.

Now there are some persons who just love to complain so let’s embrace the feedback we receive, willingly accept it, and use what we can to improve in our personal lives and our business and leave what we can’t use behind.