Transforming People's Lives

Monday Morning MEM0 2806216- THIS WEEK’S STRATEGIES


This week we are looking at the impact of the activities that you are involved in on a daily basis on your business.

If you want your business to prosper you must consider the activities of each day in your business as a series of ongoing opportunities. There are so many activities that you could focus on, e.g:

  • Which client do you need to call?
  • Which supplier do you need to contact?
  • Which client could get you a referral?
  • Which contact do you know could get you the name of a supplier?
  • Which media platform to use or Marketing?

There are many daily  activities that convert into opportunities for growth in your business.

The amount of your profits or what you are making  from your business is a direct result of the effort you are putting out into each activity in the business. This means that doing the right things the right way and for the right reason in your business is your ticket to a successful business and better life.

Sometimes trying to find which activities to generate growth or convert into opportunities for growth could be daunting. If you require help with this – email:

We know it can be a hassle to get all the supplies you require for your business so we have mad it easy for you . Check out the supplies store: Shop now.

Many people are on the market for a new home because with COVID they recognize they need more space at home. Getting qualified is the first step to acquiring or building a home. Take a look here:



Monday Morning MEM0 2106215- THIS WEEK’S STRATEGIES

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” — Bruce Lee


When you know what you have to do that is fine, but knowing is just not enough, you have to take action. Rudyard Kipling once said…”Knowledge is knowing. Wisdom is doing.”


You can have all the knowledge, read all the books, attend all the seminars and workshops but unless you put that knowledge to action nothing happens. When you take action it tells people who you are and what type of person you are, if they could do business with you.

It is like saying I want to lose weight, you sign up in a class or purchase all the products but you never attend the class or weeks have passed by and the products are still on the counter top.


In your business you may say I need more clients, but time keeps passing by and no clients because you have signed up for several courses and workshops on ‘ How to get more clients’ but no action has been taken. What are you waiting for?

I challenge you today to take action on something you have had on the back burner for a while:

  • Call that client.
  • Call that supplier.
  • Put some strategies in place to get more clients.
  • Call that person that you have been wanting to call for so long.
  • Review your financial information for your company and develop and action plan to improve your bottom line.
  • Review your operations and see where you could improve.


Whatever you do take action, remember “Wisdom is doing’.

We know it can be a hassle to get all the supplies you require for your business so we have mad it easy for you . Check out the supplies store: Shop now.

Many people are on the market for a new home because with COVID they recognize they need more space at home. Getting qualified is the first step to acquiring or building a home. Take a look here:



Monday Morning MEM0 1406214- THIS WEEK’S STRATEGIES

Working from home and having challenges with distractions?

Working form home could be a daunting task especially with children and other members of the family being around all the time. Imagine you are on Zoom and your little son wants to play and does not understand that you are not available. What about an employe or client trying to get your attention.

In order to be productive and also strive for that work home balance we have to find some way to deal with this without causing any relationship conflict. So here are some simple ways you can try:

  • Find something that you can wear – a hat, a crown etc.  to signal to your children or family that you cannot be disturbed at this  time. For example when you have butterflies or a crown on your head you are no tone disturbed.
  • .
  • Let your family know before hand that during this certain period of time you cannot the disturbed unless it is urgent – life and death issue.
  • Have a message on your phone to say that you are not available at this time but if it is urgent they can you send you a message.

Have a great week.

If you missed our last Memo take a look here:


Monday Morning MEM0 070631- THIS WEEK’S STRATEGIES


Have you been so afraid lately that you are not keeping an eye on your business, because you are afraid to see how it is gradually diminishing . Things just not going the right way. Sales are down, clients are not able t0 purchase or pay as before. One of the worst things we could allow into our mind is fear. This is a silent killer of your dreams, your business, everything you ever hoped for.  Fear can even ruin your family life and your business relationships.

You have to remember why you went into this business in the first place. What were you looking to achieve?  As most people say what is your big “WHY”?

You have to know that Life has prepared you for this. You must be flexible and always willing to adapt. SO this did not work or this strategy is not working, resist the temptation to overreact or start feeling sorry for your self. Being faced with all your challenges focus on your strengths, what can you do now. We all need some pruning at times, and this also applies to our business.  You may be also tempted to compare yourself to  someone else in the same line of business. Resist this temptation to compare. Stay away from judgmental and negative persons. Know who you are and what you can do. Be committed to your life experiences and give this your full attention.

There is courage and purpose every time you take  a breath. See yourself as perfect peace and joy. Have confidence in yourself. You also have all the wisdom you need so tackle your challenges with peace, love and joy. So get clear about what you need to do for the business and go for it.

It helps to have someone  like a Coach who you can speak with about your challenges, and who could help you explore options to solving your challenges. Sometimes all you need is someone to listen that helping hand. Ask us about this if you are interested.

There are always options. In case you are looking for an easy way to purchase online take a look or register here: Purchase online