Monday Morning MEM0 2106215- THIS WEEK’S STRATEGIES

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” — Bruce Lee


When you know what you have to do that is fine, but knowing is just not enough, you have to take action. Rudyard Kipling once said…”Knowledge is knowing. Wisdom is doing.”


You can have all the knowledge, read all the books, attend all the seminars and workshops but unless you put that knowledge to action nothing happens. When you take action it tells people who you are and what type of person you are, if they could do business with you.

It is like saying I want to lose weight, you sign up in a class or purchase all the products but you never attend the class or weeks have passed by and the products are still on the counter top.


In your business you may say I need more clients, but time keeps passing by and no clients because you have signed up for several courses and workshops on ‘ How to get more clients’ but no action has been taken. What are you waiting for?

I challenge you today to take action on something you have had on the back burner for a while:

  • Call that client.
  • Call that supplier.
  • Put some strategies in place to get more clients.
  • Call that person that you have been wanting to call for so long.
  • Review your financial information for your company and develop and action plan to improve your bottom line.
  • Review your operations and see where you could improve.


Whatever you do take action, remember “Wisdom is doing’.

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