Monday Morning MEM0 28022022– This Week’s Strategy – The forgotten way to get customers?
Lots of people forget that this is a way to get customers.

Do you want to grow your business quickly? Lots of people are trying to grow their business but forget that there is a simple way to do this. They continue to struggle to get customers .

They also continue to forget or overlook the #1 thing that can get them customers and it is not only how you dress. This is something we all have but we keep looking all over for ways to get customers. Why do you think all those successful entrepreneurs and professionals are constantly doing well? They build a good reputation. They have their own personal brand. There is a certain way they treat their clients, their suppliers, their staff, coworkers and even their loved ones.

If you have not started as yet, you need to start now to build your reputation and your personal brand. This is the most forgotten way and you need to move on it fast. This is not just the product or service you offer but who is at the back of that product or service. When people speak about your product or service they speak about you, it’s the feelings, the appreciation, what would make them remember you to do a repeat purchase. Most people complete repeat purchases because they like the people there, they like how they are treated. Staff stay with the company because they like how they are treated and that culture comes from you.
So the forgotten way to grow your business is to focus on your reputation or personal brand. Do things with integrity, treat people well, leave a good impression wherever you pass. Remember you only pass that way once. You only have one opportunity with the client or supplier or even a loved one to create that lasting impression.

Let’s get started. Send me a msg – fb- joipfandassociates