Transforming People's Lives

Isn’t’ it time you transform your life?

Life can be a challenge health, work relationships, but it does not have to remain that way.

You can explore options to live better. Are you battling an illness that won’t go away? What about stress on the job or even at home? It is time to get a handle on all these things. When you look and feel better life can be different. Wouldn’t you like to look ten (10) or twenty (20) years younger or feel better after a long time?

All this can happen if you are open to explore your options . One option is seeing what is out there that you can use. For instance you can find creams that will make your skin look better and the natural stuff that can make you feel better, maybe help your stem cells so you feel better from inside.

Take a look here: life can be better, you can feel better. Why stay all stressed out when there is a better way.

Sometimes quietly we are calling for help only for it to fall on deaf ears. We can help WhatsApp or shoot us an email . Life transformation is possible if you want to achieve it, not only for you but for your family.

Looking forward to hearing from you .

Weekly MEM0 092424 – This Week’s Strategy:One day at a time

There is no way of fixing something that happened to the point that you return to that specific day and time, and the exact emotions. So many of course try to redo the past or worry so much about the future yet we have no control over these. It is like spilled milk; can you pick up every drop of milk?  Of course not!  Can you foretell what would happen tomorrow, next week, next year? Well, maybe to a point but not that accurate. 

We can only focus on one day at a time. Everything in this life appears to have a time limit. Look at creation, all leaves die at some point or other, all fruits, vegetables and flowers have a time limit. If you purchase vegetables in the Farmers’ market between three to five days they start to wilt. When you get those lovely roses in matter of days they begin to droop.

Our best option is to focus on one day at a time. People speak about multitasking, however everything you get involve in needs your time and attention. I believe multi-tasking is managing your time to the extent that while one activity is happening you are handling another. If you do not focus on what you do, the quality of the work or activity you perform is jeopardized. 

Your best option is to do whatever you have do with the focus and passion it deserves, provide quality work, be credible in what you do, be present also in your interactions with people, and take it one day at a time. The fruits of one day at a time are enormous. 

If you would like to explore options in managing your time more effectively to focus on what’s important email or what’s app 868 620 8077

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 090924 – This Week’s Strategy:Use the second chance wisely.

We all get second chances, but for some of us we make the same old mistakes. It happens with jobs, you hear people moving from job to job, and it is because they get all these chances but are making the same mistakes. It is also evident in business, you get a big deal or a large client and you keep making the same mistakes over and over, and that’s the end of the client.

There is also the spill over in our personal lives, you hear of people who have been married two and three times. This is because they are making the same mistakes that they made in all the previous relationships. They have not learnt from their mistakes.

When you get a second chance, learn from your mistakes in order to avoid making the same mistakes. As the saying goes: ‘when God gives you a new beginning don’t repeat the old mistakes’. So, use your second chance wisely.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 020924 – This Week’s Strategy:Let’s close those gaps

Nowadays most people have a gap in their lives, especially the 40 to 60 group. That gap is the space between where you want to be and where you are now. You hear – by this age I want to have a business, get married, land my dream job.  

On the other hand, they are struggling to close the gap. They know what they want but there is no action on the activities to arrive where they want to go. You see knowing what you want is one thing, but putting some action into it is another ball game. 

This week look at the gaps in your life and decide to close that gap. If you need help feel free to email us:  with the subject – Let’s close the gap.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 260824 – This Week’s Strategy:You don’t have to be perfect

Most people try to be perfect, all lines must be straight, all ‘Ts’ crossed and all ‘Is’ must have their dots. You know them they are always moving things, straightening them or correcting your grammar etc. 

Some people would not start something unless they are sure it will turn out perfect. The thing is you don’t have to be perfect, it’s the perfect effort that you put out that would go a long way.

Perfection sometimes prevents you from trying new things, a new job or position, a new business, adding new products or services to your current business or even meeting with new friends or starting a relationship.

Think about it, what it is you have been thinking about trying and you are of the view it must be perfect before you start?  What if you try it? What is the worse that can happen?

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 190824 – This Week’s Strategy: Is it time to throw in the towel?

There comes a time when enough is enough. At work it is as if the boss has moved his/her address to you. Nothing you do seems to be right in their eyes, even though a couple of days ago that was exactly how they wanted it done. Even the customers are getting more and more challenging to handle. It is so bad that you have to drag yourself to work some mornings.

Looking at your relationship at home nothing you do seems right anymore, and there are more disputes than romance. It is like the love is no longer there. You ask yourself – what is happening?

You feel like it is time to throw in the towel, call it quits. 

Sometimes we fail to recognize that relationships matter and just like a car or a house they must be maintained. Whether it is in an employer/employee relationship or a husband/wife or just a friend/friend both parties must work it, if it is to be successful. As the saying goes –  it takes two to tango, it is the same in the relationship. There must be agreements on the expectations of the relationship, each party must do their part. There must be compromise, if one person misses a step in the tango, the other tries to cover up  so it appears seamless.

You can’t dance the Tango by yourself neither can you get married by yourself. Marriage is a huge decision, it is a commitment, it involves a lot of compromise.  Some people can’t deal with the commitment, so they live together. This option gives you the freedom to throw in the towel, pick up when the going gets rough and move on, but this not really a life commitment as marriage is. When people break up the kids are the ones that are affected the most. 

Even in a job ,that employee/employer relationship is huge.  When you decide to throw in the towel a lot of people are affected including your family.  

It may make sense to practice a pause and think of your decisions before you go into them. Is this job really right for me? What am I bringing to the job? How is it satisfying my other needs beside financial?  Or is this person right for me, can I live with them for the rest of my life no matter what? Think of this – see me and come live with me is a different thing.

Before you throw in the towel let’s explore your options to your challenging situations: email:

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 120824 – This Week’s Strategy: The unfinished projects

This week we want to focus on our unfinished projects. How many projects or activities have you started that you have not finished? 

We all have stuff that we say we will do and started them as the saying goes, we start them ‘hot and sweaty’ and yes never finished. Remember the course that you signed up for and never started or you did one or two classes and that was that, or what about the gym class where you went one day and never went back. The kettle that’s stop working that you started to take apart, you had all good intentions to repair it, or the draw that gives trouble to close and yes you want to repair it but it has never happened although you started. 

If you look around the house or think about your life there may be so many unfinished business or projects.You must choose to write your own story, finish what you start, don’t leave things hanging. There is a sense of accomplishment when you finish what you start. You see If you do not finish what you start you will always be waiting , there is a sense that something is missing, so this week make a list of all those things that you started and take action to bring them to closure.

You are your biggest obstacle so finish what you started and open the way for new things to happen.

Sometimes you juts need that quiet time to center yourself, listen to your courses or just maybe listen to God, here is just the right thing:, perfect for college kids.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 050824 – This Week’s Strategy: Making space for your greatness

Is it time to make space for your greatness? Are you holding on to things too tightly? You want to move on in life, you want to see things get better, want your business to improve, however the things to make a difference are the ones you are holding on to. 

Let’s look a little further:

– Are there beliefs that you have that need to be parked at the side? Beliefs about yourself, your skills, talents, your self worth?

– What about your relationships? Are there relationships that you need to review?

What about your business ?

– Are there things that you do that really do not make sense but it is still happening?

– Do you need to review and revamp your procedures?

– Maybe get someone to review your processes? 

Think about it, the only way you can make space for your greatness, for you to shine and move forward is to let go of certain things that are keeping you back, and create space for new things, new ideas, new relationships that support you.

Are you ready to let go, review your business processes and move on and make space for your greatness? email ; or fb:

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 290724 – This Week’s Strategy: Giving up is not the answer

Sometimes we feel like just giving up, throwing in the towel, saying, that’s it, but you know what there is another way. Why not take some direct, strategic actions or make some decisions with a definite purpose in mind?

Be the person you were created to be, a person with wisdom, courage and full of life. God did not spend time creating you for you to just give up on life. You were given all that you need to live this life so use what you were given.

Just a quick tip if you are 45 and over. Click on the link below:

45 and over Time saving cooking tip

At 45 and over cooking can take up a lot of time, but you want to eat at home as much as possible so I found just the right tool to help you, 8 in 1 functionality. All your favorite meals at the touch of a button. Remember when you wanted the peas to burst quickly or you wanted that soup but have to do everything individually, now you can just place it in and let the cooker work for you.

Life has never been better. Try it and see.