Transforming People's Lives

Monday Morning MEM0 30082125 – This Week’s Strategy

This week’s strategy:  Let’s get ready to rumble

The economy is open and it is time to rumble, stop complaining and take some action. What do you need to do to make September better than August?  Even prior to COVID business had some issues. The quarantine  and lock down periods gave us all time to reflect, revisit our strategy so we can be ready to start again. Are you ready to rumble?


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” … Mark Twain


Think outside the box,  explore, dream, discover.  There is no way you can continue to do things the same way and expect different results. Some Customers may have different needs now, they may have gained weight, loved one/s may have passed on, some businesses are permanently closed, others may have lost their jobs, what action can you take to help them?

It is not all about the money. You cannot recover what you have lost during the pandemic by increasing your price. It is about the service that you provide, how you treat your customers would go a long way in helping your business to survive.


There would always be challenges with the business and life in general.  The only people  who do not have challenges are the people in the cemetery .


So let’s not complain but look for the opportunities that present themselves each day, explore, dream and discover.  Review these opportunities and use them, take action and  move forward.


Nothing happens without a dream, or exploring your options or taking action – what action can you take today to move your business forward?


Having problems to decide which way to go, take a look  there:


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Monday Morning MEM0 1907219- This Week’s Strategy.


This week’s strategy – The one thing you must do.

Your industry may be closed, no money coming in, rent has to be paid, other monthly expenses must be paid, relationships not where you want them to be, the job is more stressful, working from home sucks, you can complain about everything but there is one thing that you must do.


You see we all want things to go well for us and our families. We all want a thriving business, good relationships at home and on the job. How are all these things going to happen? Business maybe closed now because of the pandemic but what is going to happen when business reopen? Are you going to keep whining and complaining until it is time to open?


If you want to get on with anything the one thing you must do is to  take action. Nothing is going to happen unless you do something, that is take action. Your business is not going to make it unless you take some action to get things going. You must review your strategy, your operations, your suppliers. Your relationship is not going to make it unless you take action. Relationships like everything else must be maintained. How are you going to do this? If they are shaky what is your plan to get them back together? The job is not going to get better unless you take action.  Do you need to look for another Job? Do you need to update your skills? What can you do in your present job differently? By now you get the point.


How you go about taking action is another story. You can’t just go and start doing things haphazardly.  You have to do some planning. You have to work on each challenge or issue to explore your options and  see what you could do. You have to work the issue – be specific about it, what is happening,  has it happened before? Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a past issue that you are worrying about or is it in  the future? How is it going to affect you?   What are the things in your control? What are the things you do not have control of?  What are the actions you could take to help resolve your challenges? Can you do it alone? Do you need help to explore your options?


You know help is always available, however it is where you seek help or who you turn to? We help you explore your options so you could come up with the right direction for you. Whether it is your business, relationship, job, health  we are on it. Look at it this way you won’t know until you try us. Give us a call:


We know it can be a hassle to get all the supplies you require for your business so we have made it easy for you . Check out the supplies store: Shop now.


Many people are on the market for a new home because with COVID they recognize they need more space at home. Getting qualified is the first step to acquiring or building a home. Take a look here: