How long can this go on?????

How long can you go on hurting in your relationship?

If you are in a relationship and the interaction is cold. The warmth is no longer there. You prefer to be more out than at home. It is time to ask yourself some serious questions. Can we get back to where we started and are we willing to work on improving the relationship?

You see a relationship is just like a house, it has to be maintained so if there was no maintenance it is going to fall apart.  Are you prepared to make the first move?  How long can this go on? Somebody must make the first move, there must also be some compromise. If there is no compromise and a lot of blaming or pointing fingers, these things break down your relationship.

It is the same thing at work or in a business relationship. Can everybody come out of the argument with a “yes”? Working relationships are very important for the job. Broken job relationships hamper performances and the company’s goals. Imagine you do not go to your Supervisor because you do not like him/her or you do not speak to your co-worker because of some disagreement. How long can this situation go on at work or in your business?

Relationships matter in everything. Some people who divorce sometimes realize they have the same problems in the new relationship. They still fail to take a check to see what is happening.

Believe it or not broken relationships help us to look at ourselves to see what is it that we need to fix in us, not the other person. It is only when we realize this we can truly be in a real relationship.

How long are you going to go on hurting and stressed out about your relationships? Isn’t time to get the fire back, to get that passion and warm cozy feeling back? Learn how to fan the fire and let it blaze and feel the magic of being in a relationship.


If you would like to learn more about improving your relationships connect with us:


or call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603

Even if you are not in a relationship we can help.

You do not have to drink alone.


or call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603