Transforming People's Lives

Are you tired of the squabbling in the office and home?

When people squabble and quarrel in the office and at home it takes a lot of energy.

If you are tired of having to deal with these squabbles and quarrels there is hope.

We help you explore the deeper causes of these quarrels and show you how to deal with them.

When we work with you,  we show you how to remove the obstacles so communications  begin to improve, staff or your team working better for one goal, and the atmosphere at home is more calm, loving, one that you can certainly enjoy when you say I am going home to my family .


You and I know that you have been struggling with all these issues at the office, Admin not speaking to Collections, Supervisors not getting along with the people they supervise, and don’t talk about Marketing or Accounts and Sales Representatives . Wait, what about the Manager under you who you can’t seem to get along with. How long can you continue this? At the end of the day, you may feel as though you want to throw in the towel, but you know that is not possible.

Give us a call and let’s explore getting your team back on track – working as a team, as it was meant to be and achieving some of those  goals. You do not have to continue to bear this burden every day, we can help to remove those obstacles that are preventing your team from operating as a team..

You know when you finally reach home right away the quarrel may start or give it a few minutes. You may not have remembered to do something for the home or family, or your wife and daughter are at it again, or you have to rush to part a fight between your children. You hold your head and ask – when would it stop?  Don’t give up, there is hope, we can help you explore how to remove those obstacles  that are creating havoc with  your relationships at home so that home is really home, where you can relax, enjoy the company of your family without some of the dramas.

Learn more – email –, call or whatsapp 8686208077


Tired of struggling with your team?

As a manager or supervisor are you struggling with your team?

What would it take to get your team working together?

As a Lifeline for Managers and Supervisors I can help you get that team to be a real team.

team work

This is the secret to getting more from your team…

If you want to get more out of your team for any of these reasons:

1. Because the number of people on your team has been reduced and yet you’re expected to produce the same or better results.

2. Your team is not producing the results that are expected from you and your team and you’re concerned that your bosses and/or superiors and peers are not going to be happy about that.

2. Members of your team are undermining each other or worse undermining you, causing conflicts and frustrations for you and you’d like to turn your team in to a well oiled machine…





Importance and need for strategic thinking in teams.

The role of a team in strategic management.

Being a team player as opposed to a team slayer.

Inculcate the need for a shared vision.




Identifying and participating in the team building process.

Importance of interpersonal communication.

Keeping communication and feedback channels open.

Building risk taking and strategizing in team work.

Creating a positive work environment.




Importance of creativity in teams.

Working values of a strong team.

Unleashing our creative potentials to maximize output.

Generating high quality and innovative ideas.




Thinking win-win.

The perils of thinking win – lose.

Focusing on the common objective.

Support & sharing.

Developing skills for problem solving, decision-making and conflict





Appreciating the value of complementary roles played by each team member.

Being a valuable team member.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of team members.

Common obstacles to team development.




Overcoming barriers to change.

Thinking outside the box.

Paradigm change.

Leading change.


To claim this special coaching session simply click reply and answer the following questions:

1. How long have you been in this leadership position?
2. What are the biggest leadership challenges you’re facing today?
3. On a scale of zero to 10 how important is it to you to get better results from your team?
4. What are your ultimate aspirations and goals as a leader?

Be sure to also include your name, phone number and email address when you reply so that I can get back to you and schedule your session within the next 24 to 48 hours.


N.B: Individual sessions are also available for Sales Reps.

All the best.

Josephine Harewood
Co-Author of  ‘101 Great Ways to Compete in Today’s Job Market’

PS: The sooner you send us your answers, the more likely you are to get a session and start molding the team you want to work with.

You can also receive benefits from these articles or you can share your management and supervision experience so others can learn from them.

Send in your questions on your operation management issues and we would be happy to explore options with you.



Helping to improve relationships and transform lives .

Learn more call 868 465 0603 or 954 306 1081