101 Ways to compete for that job
With so much uncertainty you need to know how to compete to get that job and to keep your current job.
You maybe skilled enough for a specific job, however in these times you need to develop or improve on your skills to make you more marketable.
You cannot underestimate the importance of improving your skills as you do not know when things may happen, you would recall Petrotrin in Trinidad & Tobago. Although there was some indication about the Petrotrin issue people did not appear to be too concerned.
People are losing their jobs and they have not taken time to retool or improve their skills. There are many other companies that are laying off workers. What are you doing to safe guard yourself?
Your career is half your life, you lose your job, what about your family, your home, how are you going to upkeep these expenses?
There is always a job with your name on it, the question is do you want it and are you prepared to improve your skills to get it?
Do you want to learn how to become an employee that every employer wants, how to market yourself, how to increase your odds in the market place, how to get into your own business and lots more. If you would like to learn more grab this book for US$15.99 . Special Discount for TT Clients.
Email – joseylifeline@gmail.com
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