Monday Morning MEM0 041122– This Week’s Strategy – There are no failures
In life there are really no failures
If you are saying yesterday was 100 days and you are a failure because you have not seen any improvements in your business or life think again.
Think about it there are no failures. Every event is a part of life placed there to learn and develop. Look back at the events you thought of as failures and see the good that came out of them. Now some people maybe so focussed on the failure and the negativity such that it’s as though they have placed blinkers on so they cannot see the good or the opportunity to learn and develop.
Next time something does not go as you would like it, or you think it is a failure, look a little deeper:
- Ask yourself what lessons are you suppose to learn from this?
- Do I need additional training?
- Should I out source some aspect of what I am doing?
- Am I spending the time time given to me as I should ?
These are just some questions, but the list can go on and on. Add some more for yourself.
If you would like to really do something about those failures take a look here: