Monday Morning MEM0 140322– This Week’s Strategy – It’s a lie

It is a lie because you can’t grow your nails by yourself and you can’t grow your business by yourself. You can’t meet all those sale targets by yourself. You need customers, suppliers, partners, people who would recommend you and those who would support you. Can you grow one strand of your hair by yourself? For you ladies can you grow your natural finger nails on your own?

I am not here to discus religion but there is nothing we can do on our own. We can try and try but unless you recognize there is help and you can ask God for help, you would continue to keep trying and trying. You may have some success but it may not last. The saying in the Bible is: you do not have because you do not ask.

So if you have been telling yourself I can grow my nails naturally on my own and I do not need any help or I do not need help with growing my business, I can do it on my own. Think again. It’s a lie. You would continue to keep hitting your head against a wall, so be open to God’s guidance in the people that you meet because God has no hands or legs just ours. Don’t keep lying to yourself be open, ask for what you want and God would send the right people to help you with your sales and your business.