Monday’s Weekly MEM0 052223 – This Week’s Strategy:Anything you do, do it with everything you got.
Anything you do, put your all into it. It is said that you get whatever you put in.
Your business Is not going to improve if you take care of it half-heartedly. Let’s say you want new clients, if you do not spend time and plan how to acquire these clients and act on your plan, you would never get new clients or you would get one or two and you start wondering what is happening.
So, you look in the mirror and you are not satisfied, the weight is building up, you look down and recognize that you can’t even see your toes. You are aware you must lose the weight, but you start a diet plan, you cheat a little when consuming the meals and after three days that’s it for the plan you are back to your old eating habits.
So much for the weight.
In sports e.g Soccer every player knows that they must put everything in the game or else the team would lose the game and as professionals it is like leaving money on the field.
Starting from today I challenge you to put everything in what you do, after all as my husband once said ‘you can’t be half pregnant”. So go for it, give it all you have and watch what happens.
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