Monday’s Weekly MEM0 120824 – This Week’s Strategy: The unfinished projects

This week we want to focus on our unfinished projects. How many projects or activities have you started that you have not finished?
We all have stuff that we say we will do and started them as the saying goes, we start them ‘hot and sweaty’ and yes never finished. Remember the course that you signed up for and never started or you did one or two classes and that was that, or what about the gym class where you went one day and never went back. The kettle that’s stop working that you started to take apart, you had all good intentions to repair it, or the draw that gives trouble to close and yes you want to repair it but it has never happened although you started.

If you look around the house or think about your life there may be so many unfinished business or projects.You must choose to write your own story, finish what you start, don’t leave things hanging. There is a sense of accomplishment when you finish what you start. You see If you do not finish what you start you will always be waiting , there is a sense that something is missing, so this week make a list of all those things that you started and take action to bring them to closure.
You are your biggest obstacle so finish what you started and open the way for new things to happen.

Sometimes you juts need that quiet time to center yourself, listen to your courses or just maybe listen to God, here is just the right thing:, perfect for college kids.