Monday Morning MEM0 13092126 – This Week’s Strategy
This week’s strategy : grab those opportunities when you see them
We all are presented with opportunities on a daily basis and we repeatedly pass over the opportunities.

Consider the Eagle. The Eagle has excellent concentration and focus to be able to catch their prey. They place their focus on it and set out to catch. Being focussed they are able to quickly identify their opportunities. They do not listen to the nay sayers, they do not let their negative thoughts get in their way, they are laser focus. So should you, look for the opportunities, focus on what you want to achieve and go after it.
Focus on what you are doing. When you focus, you are present, your mind is not wondering and you are able to pick up hues and opportunities. If you are into sales and you are speaking to a friend she/he may indicate that they need to replace a certain outfit or some function is coming up soon and they may need a new outfit. If your mind is somewhere else and you are not focussing on the conversation and on your friend you may miss this opportunity entirely. This is a perfect opportunity to talk about what you offer and what it can do for them. They may talk about different things, their weight or some problem they are having.
Never let an opportunity pass you by. Listen to what is being said, be alert to the mood, facial expression and body language of your client or anyone you are communicating with.
Opportunities could also be those to obtain referrals or a lead to a client or to acquire supplies for your business.
Be present and focus on what you do daily.