Transforming People's Lives

Is your job or business at stake?


What do you need help in? –

Do you want more clients?

Do you want to change your job or are you looking for a job?

Do you want to spend more time building your business instead of outing fires?

Do you want to improve your management or supervisory skills?

Are you looking for balance in your life?

Do you want to lose weight or live a healthier life?

Are you looking for that loved one?

Joipf Consulting is about coaching you to leverage on your potential to deal with those challenging daily work-related and personal situations so that you can transform yourself for more money and a better life. We also provide access to fortune 500 companies where you can save on essential services for both home and office.

My clients are:
* individuals,
* supervisors,
* managers and,
* small and medium-size business owners.



Helping to improve relationships and transform lives through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.

If you are eager  to explore options for expanding your business  and need a website you can get access immediately see below:

Online mobile website –  Ask us about Free- done for you (if you do not have a website it will be built for you free) call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603 – email


Spread the word about your offers to all your customers and contacts – 20% off if you are referred by an existing client.


101 Ways to compete for that job

With so much uncertainty you need to know how to compete to get that job and to keep your current job.

You maybe skilled enough for a specific job, however in these times you need to develop or improve on your skills to make you more marketable.

You cannot underestimate the importance of improving your skills as you do not know when things may happen, you would recall Petrotrin in Trinidad & Tobago. Although there was some indication about the Petrotrin issue people did not appear to be too concerned.

People are losing their jobs and they have not taken time to retool or improve their skills. There are many other companies that are laying off workers. What are you doing to safe guard yourself?

Your career is half your life, you lose your job, what about your family, your home, how are you going to upkeep these expenses?

There is always a job with your name on it, the question is do you want it and are you prepared to improve your skills to get it?

Do you want to learn  how to become an employee that every employer wants, how to market yourself, how to increase your odds in the market place, how to get into your own business and lots more. If you would like to learn more grab this book for  US$15.99 . Special Discount for TT Clients.

Email –


Give us a call – 954 306 1081, 868 620 8077

You can also benefit from a free 30 mins session exploring your options.

Group sessions are also available – email :