Transforming People's Lives

You and your relationships

It is hard to be in a relationship with anyone if you do not know yourself.

What are you good at? What are things you do not like or do not like to do?  Do you take full responsibility for your decisions? What is important to you?

Anthony Robbins cited six  different needs as follows:

  • Certainty   – wanting to be sure about everything. Not taking risks.
  • Significance – being the life of the party.
  • Uncertainty/Variety – enjoying variety in what we do and how we live.
  • Love/Connection – everyone needs that love and connection.
  • Growth – we all must grow or die.
  • Contribution – there is a sense of contributing to something.

Each of us places a different need as important and this would dictate the type of relationships we get involved in.

On the job, you can only become prominent in your field if you gain the knowledge of your industry and this would not happen if you do not have a good relationship with the persons you interact with.

In your personal life, how do you relate to your spouse/partner, sibling, mother/father?  A good relationship at home fuels a healthy working relationship on the job.

If you cannot see yourself as worthy to be successful and you carry around baggage from your past all your relationships would be in jeopardy.

Sometimes there is so much baggage weighing us down – all the blame and hurt from the past keep coming up and as a result, our judgment of ourselves is clouded.

As the new year unfolds it is the opportunity to come to terms with yourself,  know what makes you tick, where do you want to be at the end of 2019 and what are you capable of.  Start leaving the baggage behind so that you can be free to develop your relationships and achieve success in 2020 and onwards.

Relationships are private matters and difficult to talk about. We are there to listen.  We would never reveal your details to anyone.  Send us an email :

Connect with us:

or call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603

Is your relationship shaky??❤

If you are in a shaky or fractured relationship there is still hope.

Is there a sense of guilt, fear, and shame in the relationship?

When things begin to happen in a relationship no one wants to own up. Instead, each person starts criticizing each other. They start looking for the simplest things to criticize. You did this or that to me -you were bitter and angry? at me. I did not like how you spoke to me or how you answered when I called you.

Before you criticize anyone, you must first check your self, turn that finger and point ??towards you- are you without guilt?  Anyone can tell you guilt is a real horrible emotion to have.  When you are guilty you try to cover up by looking for it in your partner or someone else.

To get over this you have to learn to forgive. Forgiveness is at the heart of every relationship. It is the basis of love. When you love? truly love you learn to forgive.

Can you look at your partner /spouse in the eye and say – I forgive you. This can be hard for some people. Take some time and compose yourself and forgive.  Once you do this you would feel a sense of freedom, because forgiveness actually liberates you. Try it.

Need help? Send us an email :

Connect with us:

or call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603

How long can this go on?????

How long can you go on hurting in your relationship?

If you are in a relationship and the interaction is cold. The warmth is no longer there. You prefer to be more out than at home. It is time to ask yourself some serious questions. Can we get back to where we started and are we willing to work on improving the relationship?

You see a relationship is just like a house, it has to be maintained so if there was no maintenance it is going to fall apart.  Are you prepared to make the first move?  How long can this go on? Somebody must make the first move, there must also be some compromise. If there is no compromise and a lot of blaming or pointing fingers, these things break down your relationship.

It is the same thing at work or in a business relationship. Can everybody come out of the argument with a “yes”? Working relationships are very important for the job. Broken job relationships hamper performances and the company’s goals. Imagine you do not go to your Supervisor because you do not like him/her or you do not speak to your co-worker because of some disagreement. How long can this situation go on at work or in your business?

Relationships matter in everything. Some people who divorce sometimes realize they have the same problems in the new relationship. They still fail to take a check to see what is happening.

Believe it or not broken relationships help us to look at ourselves to see what is it that we need to fix in us, not the other person. It is only when we realize this we can truly be in a real relationship.

How long are you going to go on hurting and stressed out about your relationships? Isn’t time to get the fire back, to get that passion and warm cozy feeling back? Learn how to fan the fire and let it blaze and feel the magic of being in a relationship.


If you would like to learn more about improving your relationships connect with us:


or call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603

Even if you are not in a relationship we can help.

You do not have to drink alone.


or call 954 306 1081 or 868 465 0603

Same old excuses???

Have you been hearing the same old excuses from your loved ones lately?

We all have excuses for not doing certain things or for saying certain things.

In a relationship, excuses can really pull the connection apart when you keep hearing the same excuse over and over again.

Are you getting fired ?up ready for a fight, ready to pounce on the other person for what they are saying?

When this happens it helps to listen to what the other person is not saying and also to look at yourself to see what kind of emotions these excuses are bringing up. Why are you feeling this way and how can you use these emotions to lift yourself up thereby showing the other person that what they are trying to do is not affecting you.

You can use these old excuses to restore your relationship. Learn how by giving us a call – 954 306 1081 or email joseylifeline@

We all are in some kind of relationship and these excuses can put a dampen on them or can really make the relationship a joy to be in so give us a call – 868 465 0603 or 954 306 1081 or email joseylifeline@


How to handle differences

The last time you got into an argument how did you handle the differences.

Sometimes before we can think the words fly out and the fingers start pointing.

We judge and accuse not realizing that there are simple solutions to these differences.

Our differences should not find their way to court or to divorce. So how do we handle them?

1. Pray and examine yourself, your heart. Is this what you want. What led you to this.

2. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. How do you feel about the situation?

3. Are there ways you both can get a yes?

4 .What is the purpose of your relationship?

5. Can you forgive that person?

6. Can they forgive you?

7. Can you behold that person with the eyes of love and glory in their perfection, just as God our creator beholds you with eyes of love?

If you would like to save the relationship why not give us a call:

954 306 1081/868 465 0603

or email:


What are you coming home to?

At the end of the day what are you coming home to?

Some people may not have anyone to come home to, there is no one to talk to about your day, no one to sit and share your ideas  with. You know what,  if that is how you have decided to live then make the most of it.

If on the other hand you prefer the companion, the love and warmth, someone not only to share your dreams but someone to share their dreams  and we all need this love and connection, there are always options to attract that soul mate.

Would you be interested in exploring those options ?

Those who are coming home to someone  and don’t want to go home because of the quarreling , arguing and coldness there is always hope.

Relationships can be fun, rewarding and very loving. Think of the purpose of the relationship , what do you want out of it?  Does your partner know what you want out of it?  What if you can get help to  make this relationship work better would you be interested?

Relationships are the keys to success.

Relationships matter not only in a one and one, husband and wife, mother and daughter, father and son, children, partner but also on the job, how do you relate to your co-workers or your boss?

Good relationships help to improve performances on the job and also help to boost business if you are an Entrepreneur. As an Entrepreneur, if you cannot maintain a good relationship with your clients they would find someone else who they are more compatible with to do business.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction help to identify relationship blocks.

Let’s get you back to where you should be.

Want to learn more? Contact us –, 954 306 1081, 868 465 0603



#1 way to get more clients

Do you have a small business and have been struggling to get clients on line?

Let’s get serious you have been sitting at that computer trying to get people to click on your website or Facebook page with no luck.

What would happen if people could click and call you or place an order right away?  Imagine getting more  emails or calls about your products or services and increasing your leads and client base.

You do not even have to take the calls, we will do that for you so you can focus on building relationships with your clients.

Finish the year strong.

Let us show you how to put some money back in that wallet.

Want to learn more. Give us a call:

868 620 8077 or  954 306 1081


fb: Joipf Consulting


Love tea? Drinking tea while you check your sites is a must.

I love tea, not just any tea – one that soothes my sore muscles, makes me lose weight and keeps the pressure at bay. As  us about our tea and muscle rub.


Is your name on that job ?

Is your name on that job?


Are you panicking because there are job cuts or you have heard of job cuts in your company?

Take a look at what you have:

  • You can communicate effectively;
  • You can tell the truth;
  • You know what your goals are;
  • You have experience in your field;

And more importantly, there is a job out there with your name on it.

So DO NOT PANIC.  Msg me and let us explore your options.

We work with you to discover what is blocking you from getting that job.

Connect with me vis facebook:

or Call : 868 465 0603, 954 306 1081

email –

Easy way to achieve your goals

Time to achieve your goals

The easier way to achieve your calls is to get some help.

Goals can be a challenge to achieve if you are working on them alone.

We help identify what is blocking you – your core beliefs and what is important to you then we explore your options with you.

With an accountability partner you can accomplish  much more than you imagined and you feel so much more satisfied.

At Joipf and Associates we help you achieve your goals, whether it is personal, career or business. We are there for you to encourage and explore possibilities. No goal is never too big or too small.

Give us a try.  Call 868 620 8077 0r 954 306 1081


101 Ways to compete for that job

With so much uncertainty you need to know how to compete to get that job and to keep your current job.

You maybe skilled enough for a specific job, however in these times you need to develop or improve on your skills to make you more marketable.

You cannot underestimate the importance of improving your skills as you do not know when things may happen, you would recall Petrotrin in Trinidad & Tobago. Although there was some indication about the Petrotrin issue people did not appear to be too concerned.

People are losing their jobs and they have not taken time to retool or improve their skills. There are many other companies that are laying off workers. What are you doing to safe guard yourself?

Your career is half your life, you lose your job, what about your family, your home, how are you going to upkeep these expenses?

There is always a job with your name on it, the question is do you want it and are you prepared to improve your skills to get it?

Do you want to learn  how to become an employee that every employer wants, how to market yourself, how to increase your odds in the market place, how to get into your own business and lots more. If you would like to learn more grab this book for  US$15.99 . Special Discount for TT Clients.

Email –


Give us a call – 954 306 1081, 868 620 8077

You can also benefit from a free 30 mins session exploring your options.

Group sessions are also available – email :