Transforming People's Lives

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 022723 – This Week’s Strategy: It went well before, we can do it again!

When things go well, we feel that we are on a roll. SO we have mastered the operations, we know where the business is coming from, we know how to get raw materials or goods for the business, and staff is going pretty ok.

We are confident we can now rinse and repeat. Well, this is never the case, it does not mean that if you are doing well or successful with one business you can repeat this or set up in another area.

When the ego gets to you, it is easy to overlook key issues that can present a challenge later on, so if you are successful or things are going well, a good idea is not to let down those guards. If you do, you maybe in a for a surprise which can lead to a major business disaster. 

On the topic of surprise sometimes electricity bills can be a big surprise when you get, if you are concerned about this maybe it it time to explore a more efficient way. Learn more here:

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 022723 – This Week’s Strategy: See the big picture

You must be able to see the big picture.

We get so caught up in what’s happening and the finer details that we do not see the bigger picture. 

Your business maybe small now but with determination it could blossom into something big. The owners of Apple and Microsoft they were able to see the bigger picture for their business.

What about you? Where do you see your business going? Where do you see your career going?

Can anything good come out of what you are doing? 

President Biden wants electric cars by 2030, what about you, where do you fit in?

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 021923– This Week’s Strategy: The best time to solve problems

We have so many problems hitting us every day, we become stressed and frustrated not knowing what to do.

We go to meetings and sometimes the team/group is so hyped up that solving the problem at hand either takes longer to achieve or the meeting must be re-scheduled. 

It has always been said that we should never make decisions when we are angry or annoyed, and the same goes for finding solutions to your problems. The best time to solve your problems and make better decisions is when you are relaxed, not hyped up or laser focused. You see when you are relaxed your mind is free and open to new solutions and ideas, new ways of looking at things or doing things. 

So, before you decide on the solution to that pestering problem when your mind is going at a 1000 miles per hour, relax, be at peace with yourself and everyone else and just let the ideas flow.

By the way if you have problems with your electricity bills, you find that they are very high, here is an easy way to reduce your bills:

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 021323– This Week’s Strategy: OMG! I really did not want to do this!

Are you doing anything against your will?

We have good reasons for doing the things we do. No one does anything against their will.

So, stop telling yourself that you really did not want to do this or that and be honest with yourself.

You have very good reasons for making decisions. The thing is we must stop and ask where is this decision taking us? What is it going to do for the business or your career or even your family? We must always see the result, look at your situations from beginning to end.  For example, If for argument sake as it is valentine,  you say you love a person, why do you love this person? Where is this decision taking you? What do you expect from this decision? Hmmm just think about it and see what comes to mind….

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 01160123– This Week’s Strategy: Do you know where you are going?


Not knowing where you are going for 2023 can be a challenge. 
You see if you wait on the right time, to make sure everything is in place or you have enough money, or waiting for everything to be in place you would have to wait a very long time. Are you prepared to wait?


These days things change so drastically, look at the issue with confidential papers with the President, whoever thought this would happen. It makes sense to map out where you want to go and don’t lose focus and don’t wait till everything is right . For all you know it may never be right . 

Even countries map out where they are going, in the US they plan to have electric cars by 2035. Take a look here – . What about you, do you know where you are going?

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 01090123– This Week’s Strategy: New Approaches for 23

Start the year with new approaches to your marketing.

Over the past years we have just been posting ads, images etc. on social media. Sometimes we do not even follow to see how they are doing. How many people looked at it.

This year we are not just posting on social media, we want to post with an objective in mind, which is to maintain our customers and attract new ones.

So this week our new approach is in addition to posting items only on our industry let’s post on the key items linked to what we are offering.

Let’s use technology to move our business forward.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 01020123– This Week’s Strategy: New Year New Challenges

Every year comes with it’s own challenges, but it also comes with it’s new wins.

There are new opportunities to do things differently, to look at things differently, to leave behind what’s not working, to improve on what’s working. You also get the opportunity stop fighting with yourself, accept who you are, be yourself and learn to love being you.

So thank you for keeping us in your corner and let’s crush this year together!

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 121922– This Week’s Strategy: Light at the end of the tunnel

Always believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes things can get so depressing that you feel it is not going to end or you are waiting and waiting but nothing is happening.
This maybe with your business, relationships, job where things just appear to be going downhill.
I want to ask, have you ever traveled on a train, when it gets dark as it passes through the tunnel do you ask to be dropped off? So it is with life there is no dropping off because there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Things would get better but you must change your way of thinking, look at things from end to end. If you do this now where are you going to end up?

Practice not making any decisions when you are angry. When you are angry you would not consider all the facts. Always take time to reflect and treat people like you would like to be treated. 

So be patient there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 120522– This Week’s Strategy: It’s not too early to plan for 2023

2023 is creeping up slowly but surely, so as the end of 2022 is fast approaching this is a perfect time to plan.

You may say why now, I am busy with the Christmas season, those with businesses may say that they are heavily involved in the business operations at this time.

People who plan in advance are better able to handle things as they hit them, they know exactly what they want 2023 to be and how to go after it . They have a plan. Even if their plans do not all materialize they are able to review and adjust to suit the economy or whatever changes in their life or business environment.

Successful people are always planning ahead, some of them see things before they happen because they know their business environment as the back of their hand.

So, what about you? There is only so much you can do in the next few days, but you. have hope, you have 365 days to plan for. Give it a shot and start your planning early. It is never too early.

Monday’s Weekly MEM0 120522– This Week’s Strategy: Stop focussing on the problem

Whenever an issue comes up in business or life the focus is on the problem. We place all our energies on our problems, and we get so stress out that we can’t see the solutions.

If we take some time off,  change our thinking and look at the problem as an opportunity to grow, develop and expand it makes better sense. So now our focus is on the solutions and not the problems. 

What problems have you been encountering in your business and life and what solutions  and opportunities can you come up with?  Once you have completed this when are you going to take action on the solutions, because it is great to have solutions but solutions without actions would not get you anywhere.